Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sliding down the stairs

Thump thump thump thump - "Oww . . . ."

That was the very familiar sound of a child sliding down stairs. We used to do it as kids, in our sleeping bags, down the carpeted stairs. Here, we have concrete stairs covered with a thin wood veneer. It didn't sound fun.

"Was that an intentional slide down the stairs?" I asked from the kitchen where I was nursing the turkey (oh please oh please oh please be good little turkey!)

"That was me sliding down the stairs on a beanbag," said Ethan with a bit of a moan.

"And what did you learn from that experience?"

"I need to do it again!!"

Not the response I was expecting. I should stop typing and put the kabosh on this madness because it's only fun until someone smashes into the AC unit at the bottom of the stairs.

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