Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Remember as a kid when you would go to vacation Bible school and how much fun it was? Yeah, me neither. I mean, I think that I went, but let's be honest - a span of nearly 30 years kind of dims the memories.

Well anyway, my kids started VBS yesterday and they are already hooked. They came out with a huge goodie bag full of sports themed paraphernalia. (the theme is "Game Day"). They also had a CD of songs they learned actions for which we heard about 100 times yesterday. Megan stood in the living room last night with the CD on trying to remember all the actions, which was pretty darn cute.

Ethan gave me a run down on the snacks they got, including the cupcake he didn't really like. Megan said, "It tasted like the playdough from the monkey dentist." I'm tempted not to explain what that means, but I will. She got this playdough game where you can play dentist for a monkey. The playdough in it has a cherry smell.

I helped with decorations beforehand so I consider myself off the hook for volunteering this week. I intentionally didn't commit to anything, hoping I would be moving this week. Well, I am in a way. We found a place last Wednesday night, but it isn't available until the end of July. Now for the tricky part - we have to have our whole house packed up before we leave June 14th so the movers can come while we're gone. So that's what I'm doing while the kids are off having fun.

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