Saturday, May 07, 2005

Questions of Origin

Here's a conversation Ethan and I had in the car yesterday:

"Mommy, if you grow up in Singapore, does that make you Singaporean?"

"Well, if your parents are Singaporean, then you are Singaporean."

"Mom, am I going to grow up in Singapore?"

"I don't know, honey. Maybe."

"Then will I be Singaporean?"

"No, you'll be an American who lives in Singapore."

"Where am I going to grow up?"

"I don't know. We'll just have to see where God calls us. Remember how you learned in Sunday School that God told Abraham to go to another country? Well, God asked us to go to Singapore. Who knows where He'll ask us to go next."

"Maybe He'll ask us to go to America next!"


"Yeah, I think He'll ask us to go to America."

To add to the confusion, Ethan now thinks that all countries are islands, and he still asks us frequently if he's Chinese American since he was born there. Now I think I know why they don't allow you to be president of the U.S. if you weren't born there. You're too confused about your origin to run a country!

1 comment:

Gina Marie said...

I think it's sad that most Americans don't know their country of origin. No one can really say, "I'm just American" aside from native Americans. It wasn't that many generations back for most people that their ancestors came from another country.