Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh for nasty

Imagine you're having a nice conversation with your maid (ok, or just someone) in your kitchen about Halloween. You're idly handling an orange, wondering if its rind is thick enough to make into a little tiny Jack O' Lantern since the pumpkins in this foreign country are so expensive you want to cry.

Then, you feel a little tickle on your forearm. You look down to see something big and brown scuttle back behind your elbow and it strikes you that it's a giant coackroach which is crawling on your body so you start screaming horrid little non-human sounding screams because NOW YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS OH FOR THE LOVE GET IT OFF!!!!! You finally manage to brush it off. It tries to make its escape on the counter, but it's no match for Lisa the Maid.

Now imagine how long it will take for you to lose the feeling that there is still something nasty on your arm. Keep imagining . . . .


Amy :) said...


I thought it was bad enough when we moved here to Arizona, realizing that cockroaches live in the ground in our backyard. When Matt sprays poison, we see them come up from underground.

Occasionally, after Matt sprays poison out there, the cockroaches stagger into the house, but not too often. And I've certainly never had one ON me!

I can totally imagine the disgust and the lingering feeling of one being on your skin, though. I don't like thinking about it...


Ryan said...

I would like to have seen that. :)

Anonymous said...

I remember those nasty things!! I was so petrified one would land on me!! I'm so sorry for your traumatic experience!

Victoria said...

I had a spider on my sweatshirt that wasn't even on me and when I put sweatshirt on i had the creepy crawly feeling for the 3 hours! I can't imagine what a cockroach on my arm would do to me!!!