Wednesday, July 20, 2005

First Class Passengers

Last Wednesday night Erik and I flew to Montana using some of the thousands upon thousands of frequent flier miles we've accumulated to and from Asia. We also used our privilege to fly first class. I've never done that before, except for the last 10 minutes of a flight I took with two friends to England when I was 13 years old. But that's a different post.

Our first class bonuses started right at the gate. Our one bag was 3 pounds overweight. The attendant said, "Sorry folks, looks like you're just a little over here. You'll have to take out a few . . . wait, you're first class! Here I am rambling on and on and you didn't even stop me. You're just fine then." So apparently first class passengers get a higher weight limit. Good to know.
On the flight, we got drinks early, and free snacks in abundance (you had to pay for them in economy class). All in all, it's a good deal. Too bad we can't afford it on a regular basis.

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