Friday, June 08, 2012


"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . . He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11

This morning I contemplated these verses, and they took me back to a moment in high school. It was probably one of my lowest points - I was feeling extremely lonely, so much so that I wrote a poem about it during English class one day. That was 2nd hour. During 3rd hour Psychology class, the vice principal came to our classroom and pulled me out into the hallway. He had a girl with him named Emily Novak. He told me she was new to the school and had essentially the same schedule as me. She quickly became one of my best friends, and from that day everything changed.

I look back on that story and think, "God, your time is impeccable." He knew exactly how I would be feeling that morning in 2nd hour, and brought Emily and her family to me at just that moment. I shake my head in amazement.

I could go on and on about moments when God stepped at just the right time in my life. It's like He delights in swooping in to save the day, to show His glory, to prove once again that we are not alone, that we are seen, that we are heard, that He is good.

When I think of the moments when God's timing demonstrated His goodness, His tenderness, His power to provide, it gives me hope. Because I'll be honest and say that there have been times when His timing wasn't what I would have chosen. Yet even those times, He has used for good, for our growth, for His glory. Always, He is working to make everything beautiful.

So when I anxiously check each morning for new houses that might have come on the market, I'm tempted to think, "God, come on! We need a house!" But I know that He is really good at doing things like that at just the right time. I know it will come, and I know it will be good.

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