Tuesday, August 09, 2011

A Summer of Fun

So here was my train of thought: driving to Mankato - Pa Ingalls used to drive to Mankato to deliver the lumber - Walnut Grove - where is Walnut Grove again? - there it is on my map - and hey, there's De Smet, where the dugout was - memories of our Laura Ingalls Wilder southern MN tour - I meant to do that with Megan this summer, shoot! - what else did we plan to do that we didn't do? -

And that's where I derailed myself, because it wasn't going to go anywhere good. Instead, I decided to make another list this morning of the things I'm SO glad we did manage to squeeze into our time in Minnesota this year:

1. Speaking at Erik's home church 5 times in one weekend
2. swimming lessons
3. bike rides
4. VBS
5. the cabin
6. time with family (this could count for about 100 entries - one for each day plus doubling up for extra people)
7. New York
8. Boston
9. Oxbow Park
10. Milwaukee
11. baseball
12. kickball
13. swimming at the pool
14. All comers track meets on Tuesdays
15. playing with the dog
16. speaking at my home church
17. selling things on Craigslist (seriously!)
18. knitting
19. latch hooking (those last two are Megan's new craft projects)
20. mini-golf
21. slip n' slide
22. 4th of July with the Higgins
23. Rochesterfest parade
24. Annie (the musical, not a person)
25. breakfast on the farm
26. soccer
27. camping
28. roasting marshmallows over a campfire
29. grilling
30. early morning exercise
31. working on Boy Scout merit badges
32. libraries
33. Valleyfair
34. CSU
35. libraries
36. watching Twins games
37. time with people like the Zenks, Gaugers, Wedels, Higgins, Halversons, Woods, Roises, Pedersens, etc. etc.
38. washing the car
39. House of Bounce
40. finishing my writing project
41. croquet
42. driving through the Rocky Mountains
43. a night in Vail
44. Parks
45. refreshment!

By the way, I don't think Megan really cares that we didn't do the Laura Ingalls Wilder historical tour.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Hi Gina!
Fun to hear about all your summer adventures! I enjoy staying up through your blog. We are still hoping that either J or I can come over for LEAF at least once this year-- hope to see you then