Thursday, November 04, 2010

Being Thankful

I've been meaning to make this list for awhile now, but it's been hard to find time in the busyness leading up to our brief trip this Friday. Much of what I'm thankful for involves this trip, but there have been many other blessings as well!

330. We're going to the States on Friday!
331. Our kids are old enough that even flying solo with them isn't that hard
332. We get to see Erik's family, my family, and my friend Laura, this weekend
333. Target! Can't wait to shop there
334. My parents are graciously coming to Orlando with us to hang with the kids while we work
335. We got a 3 bedroom apartment to stay in while we're there
336. I'll have lots of time to write next week
337. I will have a night with some old friends from China there.
338. We get to see our dear friends, the Higgins, on our way back through MN (shh! The kids don't know!)
339. Orlando's weather looks to be right around 80 degrees every day
340. But the weather here this week has been GORGEOUS so I can't complain
341. I had a great time buying gifts for friends and family yesterday
342. I've been coaching Erik's new assistant in Chinese and last night I walked away with a long list of words I'd learned (admit, to be hurt, selfish, avoid, lies, barriers)
343. My maid, otherwise who knows what condition my house would be in right now
344. Teaching drama to the 3rd and 4th graders was really fun last week - looking forward to it today
345. I had a great 2+ hour talk the other day with a good friend that was just what I needed. Then later I got encouraging texts from another friend. Feeling very blessed in this area!
346. A teenage girl from our co-op called us a few weeks ago and offered her services as a babysitter for us - just what we needed!
347. Our kids are at this moment up early doing their schoolwork before breakfast. This means my hope of running once the sun and the temperature are up might really happen!
348. We had a great conference a few weeks ago with some other moms where I was the MC. While most people would rather die than speak in public, it feeds my soul.
349. Halloween - super fun with just our expat friends in the neighborhood, and everyone outside commenting on how cute they all looked
350. Megan had her first soccer tournament on Saturday. Her team came in dead last, but not for lack of Megan trying! She did really well - we were so proud of her!
351. I finally feel settled here
352. Scarves - I'm a bit obsessed
353. My Croc slippers for around the house - again, a bit obsessed
354. Carpet! It's become the wrestling ground for our kids on a daily basis
355. My new computer!
356. All the books, clothes, etc. that are waiting for us when we get to America. It saves me so many hours of shopping here and there
357. Our kids have been getting along really well lately. It's such a blessing!
358. Red leaves - never used to see these here
359. pumpkin seeds - they are my new favorite snack. But not just around Halloween - they are readily accessible here, roasted and salted already
360. My friend Tammy led us to a great local dentist who saw Ethan for free last week (we had a sudden fear when he had a huge bump over a molar. Turns out his 12 years are coming in early!)
361. There's a rhythm to life here now
362. Runs in the park nearby have been so life giving
363. Our treadmill for those days when it's still too dark and cold to run outside!
364. We found a new park near us that looks beautiful - so many places to explore!
365. I get to see my coach, Dayle, next week. She's a great blessing!

1 comment:

Laura Parker @Life Overseas said...
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